Project Result 2

  • For each session a Webinar Educational Package will be delivered to participants containing: the Webinar Script, the educational material (presentations, pdfs’, videos, etc.) and quizzes for assessment.
  • Each webinar will be video recorded and uploaded in the ENTER website ( ), after each session.
  • At the end of each Webinar, the participants will complete an online evaluation form for the assessment of the implementation of the Webinar.
  • In order to receive a Certification of Attendance the following criteria should be met:
    • Attending at least 8 of 12 in total webinars and completing all the assignments during them.
    • Completion of Evaluation form at the end of each webinar (the evaluation concerns the implementation of the webinar and not your progress)
    • Completion of any tasks or tests/quizzes for each webinar session

7th Webinar
15th  of September 2022 
by EDF


Successful leaders are those with a good business plan   

Learning outcomes:

After the completion of the webinar, participants should be able to:

  • Create their own business plan, knowing the business plan elements and structure
  • Knowing the marketing strategies, digital presence
  • Making easy analysis of the environment, market analysis, competition analysis
  • Structure a management and financial plan
  • Get to know some useful practical advice and examples.

Webinar duration:

2 hours with a 15/20min break
Studying hours: 2 hours
Quiz:  30 minutes max

8th Webinar
29th  of September
by EDF

Copyrights and GDPR 

Learning outcomes:

After the completion of the webinar, participants should be able to:

  • Knowing more about the types of Intellectual property (patents, copyrights, trademark, franchise, trade secrets,etc.) 
  • GDPR definition, objectives and facts
  • Get to know the practical implementation of GDPR.

Webinar duration:

2 hours with a 15/20min break
Studying hours: 2 hours
Quiz:  30 minutes max

9th Webinar
13th  of October
 by IST

Find opportunities for yout business

Learning Outcomes: 

  • create an Educational Package for Entrepreneurship mindset, 
  • adopt a Strategic/analytical thinking, 
  • create solid Labor Relations in the entrepreneurial world, 
  • Recognize opportunities like an entrepreneur, 
  • create models and designs for your venture and strategies for getting started,
  • design a Risk management plan, 
  • develop a needs analysis, 
  • discover suitable incubators and startups for your business

Webinar duration:

2 hours with a 15/20min break
Studying hours: 2 hours
Quiz:  30 minutes max

10th Webinar
3rd of November
by IST

Digital Marketing

Learning Outcomes: 

  • create the Digital Marketing plan for your social business
  • design dissemination plans, communication, 
  • learn the importance of a good communication strategy,
  • identify your target groups, 
  • learn how to promote your visual and brand identity
  • learn characteristics of a good social manager

Webinar duration:

2 hours with a 15/20min break
Studying hours: 2 hours
Quiz:  30 minutes max

11th Webinar
24th of November

How to pitch your Business Idea

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand the various audiences an entrepreneur may pitch to and how the pitch goals vary for each
  • Define and develop the key elements of a pitch
  • Describe a pitch deck and pitfalls to avoid
  • Create and create an elevator pitch

Webinar duration:

2 hours with a 15/20min break
Studying hours: 3 hours
Quiz: 30 minutes max

12th Webinar
15th of December,
by all partners

Sum up of the PR2 Webinars

Webinar duration:

1 ½ hours
Studying hours: 1-3 hours
Quiz:  30 minutes max

Client 1
Client 2
Client 3
Client 4
Client 4
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